

Leg 8 - Ansteadbrook to Black Down (2.55 km)

(sp)signpost     (wm)waymark     (wms)  waymarks


From Petworth Road, enter Antsteadbrook Stud on paved bridleway (sp) past 'STUD ONLY' sign, passing through brick gateposts. Continue ahead on bridleway and, where paved road bears L, continue ahead on bridlepath into woods through field gate with stile.  In about 250m, turn R over stile (sp) onto footpath, continuing ahead  (generally W) keeping field boundary on R, over further stile and through kissing gate, climbing steadily through Hearne Copse.  At crossing path, bear R (sp) and continue to climb, steeply in places, to paddock on brow of hill (sp).  Continue ahead across unmade road, through kissing gate into paddock and cross paddock to kissing gate opposite.  Turn L onto Serpent Trail bridleway (sp) and follow vehicle track, passing through field gate onto track between high hedges. 



Continue ahead onto entrance to Barfold and metalled Tennyson's Lane R (sp).  Turn R and follow Tennyson's Lane, climbing steadily (Serpent Trail wms) for about 800m to sharp R turn in  road at entrance to Aldworth House  on L.  Ahead is entrance to National Trust car park for Black Down  with National Trust Black Down marker.  Take bridleway to R of National Trust marker L off Tennyson's Lane (sp), following Sussex Border Path wms and climbing through woods and gate onto wide track with Black Down information board and trig point to R and Tennyson's Lane car parks about 250m along track R.  




Aldworth House  (

Black Down  (